Atlanta Club Scholarship Fund
Atlanta Buckeyes have contributed more than $325,000 to our Atlanta Club Scholarship Fund over the past fifteen years. Because of their generosity, we send an Atlanta student to The Ohio State University on full scholarship by making up the difference between whatever other scholarship money they receive and out-of-state tuition.
The student must maintain a 3.25 GPA. The Atlanta Club is able to provide this opportunity because the cost is covered by our fund’s annual earnings. These funds have been raised through raffles, golf tournaments and individual contributions.
The Atlanta Club informs and educates Atlanta high school students about Ohio State through college fairs and various other functions. Atlanta alumni distribute information about OSU and answer questions at numerous fairs each year.
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How to apply
ScholarshipUniverse simplifies the process of finding and applying for internal and external scholarships at Ohio State. This platform hosts all alumni club scholarships. Apply and/or update your profile each year by The Ohio State University priority date for maximum aid consideration.
Log in to ScholarshipUniverse using your Ohio State username (lastname.#) and password. Need instructions for activating your username? Contact Buckeye Link, 614-292-OHIO, for assistance.
Further information on scholarships and Financial Aid at Ohio State can be found here. For questions, contact Leslie Smith,, 614-292-6576 at the Alumni Association.